Users who have been granted admin access will be able to adjust the below plan settings, which will be applied to all plans created within Engage.
To access the plan settings options, navigate to the below menu:
Default Settings
Inflation Values
There are two options for inflation available. You can either choose a system wide inflation and discount rate, or you can use individual values which allows you to set individual inflation rates for income, contributions, discount rate and expenses
Client Key Dates
This option allows you to set the default retirement age and life expectancy for all plans you create. You can always still adjust this within individual plans as needed.
Default Taxes
The following sections on Engage provide a quick reference for advisors to check the relevant tax brackets, deductions, and more.
Capital Gains Tax
This section displays the long term capital gains tax brackets that may be applicable to client holdings.
Federal Taxes
This section displays the federal marginal tax brackets for each income scenario.
Tax Deduction
This section notes the standard and itemized tax deductions.
State Taxes
This section denotes the marginal tax brackets for each state. Simply click on the state you need and the details will pop up.
Tax Inflation
This section allows you to adjust the default tax inflation rate for any future rate increases applied to any plans created.
Tax Credits
This section details tax credits that can be applied to reduce the amount of taxes a client owes. This section has details for credits for the elderly or disabled, credit for tax on undistributed capital gains, and residential energy efficient property credit.
Social Security Survivor Chart
This section includes a chart which lists full retirement ages for survivors based on year of birth.