How to Add, Edit & Archive Clients

Adding Clients 

There are two ways of adding clients on Engage:

- Directly from the Actions widget on the dashboard via "Add Client" button

Add Client Wdiget.gif


- From the "Add Client" button in the "Clients" tab

Client Menu Add Client.gif

Editing a Client

- Navigate to the "Clients" tab and select the client you would like to edit

- Press the pencil icon to edit the client information

- Once you have completed the required updates, ensure that you press the 'Save' button in the top right corner

edit client.gif


Archiving a Client

- Follow the same steps as above for editing a client and change the status from 'Active' or 'Prospect' to 'Inactive' 

- You will still be able to view this client profile from the 'Archived Clients' tab 

archive client.gif


Family Members

You are also able to add co-clients and other family members to the client profile. You can add family members at the same time as when you initially add the client, or you can always add the family members at a later time by going into the client profile and pressing the 'Add Family Member' button. 

Note: Whereas clients can be 'Archived', co-clients and other family members can be deleted rather than archived.

add family member.gif



The 'Others' area is available to keep track of anyone else that is important with regards to this client, such as another advisor or anyone else who has a Power of Attorney on their accounts. Any association with a professional or sphere of influence should be included here.


“My Clients” vs “All Clients”

The "My Clients" vs "All Clients" view allows you to view either just your own clients or a list of all of the clients under your firm.

my client all xlient.gif

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